Density Estimation

Decision making under uncertainty through data & AI with an overview of distributions and likely outcomes based on probabilty.

Estimate the uncertain and apply what if analysis to guide you through new or uncertain products and processes to improve your decision making.

Density Estimation

What is it

  • Decision making through data & AI with an overview of distributions and likely outcomes (e.g. estimation of prices, amount of goods, queue size or waiting time) based on probabilty calculation.

Why is it important

  • You work with a new or uncertain product or process.
  • A single number does not cut it - you need more than the most likely number. You also need the associated probability of any plausible number or outcome.

How do SMAI solve it

  • An interpretable AI model that provides a full distribution (including the uncertainties).
  • Dashboard with distributions and overview of likely outcomes.
  • What if analysis on your data to guide you through new or uncertain products and processes.

Why focus on Density Estimation

Obtain an overview of likely outcomes to improve your decision making. You encounter uncertain processes in which you need sophisticated models and what if analysis to make decisions.

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