SMAI Consulting

We provide AI solutions that creates value.

Transparent & Trustworthy - in our process and AI solutions.

SMAI Consulting uses interpretable AI (artificial intelligence) and data integrations combined with business knowledge to solve business problems and improve processes.

SMAI Solutions

SMAI Workflow

Extract Data

Validate & Clean Data

AI Modeling


End-user Solution


AI solutions - Transparent and understandable

We develop AI solutions that are interpretable since AI models are useful when they understood and trusted as opposed to the black box approach which is often applied in the industry.

We believe that AI solutions must include both high precision and interpretability to properly solve business problems and create value for the organization.

Interpretability is when users and organizations understand the reasoning behind predictions and decisions made by the AI model.

The solution is transparent, providing insights on several levels to both the organization and end users while being robust against bias in the data.

Our method, utilizing interpretability, provides a solution which ensures valuable business knowledge is used and bottom line value created.

Expertize in AI Development & Deployment

Interested in how SMAI Consulting can help your business
